Eucalyptus essential oil is harvested from the leaf of the eucalyptus plant and is found all over the world. While its benefits have been known for hundreds of years, it wasn’t until recently that it began to be used commercially. It is a pale, yellow liquid. It can be found in many hygiene, soaps and products, and it offers some very specific benefits.
History: Also known as ‘Eucalyptus globulus’, but variations include: eucalyptus radiate, eucalyptus citriodora and eucalyptus dives. The original eucalyptus tree was found in Australia and belonged to the Myrtacae family. The trees grow up to 380 feet tall in damp areas, typically in hillsides or valleys with deep soil.
Disclaimer: The strong aroma and menthol content should be avoided during pregnancy. This oil should also NOT be taken orally as it can be toxic.